
Quest Sneak Peek!

We're holed up in Brigantine, NJ for the week, cranking out code at a breakneck pace. Things are starting to come together, including the framework for quests!

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Our first quest is a 9 week program to prepare even the laziest of couch potatoes for the zombie apocalypse. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, all the shotguns and peels in the world aren't going to help you one bit if you can't make it to the safe house without stopping to catch your breath.

The UI is slowly buy cheap cialis starting to come together. It's been challenging balancing our mountain of to-dos for the project. There are just two of us to cover all the storyline, illustration, game mechanics, user interface, frontend code, and backend code. But now that we have our first fully playable scenario up and running, the othe parts are starting to fall into place. Hooray!

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