
Test Tube Spice Rack

A friend of mine had all her spices stolen appropriated when her old roommate moved out. So I made her this spice rack for Christmas:

Spice Rack

It holds up to 18 test tubes of spices, pre-filled with 12 and each labeled with a suitably scientific sounding abbreviation.

Each glass tube holds about 1 ounce of spice. The rack is made from 1/4″ acrylic. I can put the plans up on thingaverse if anyone is interested, but it’s pretty self-explanatory.

The idea was unabashedly yanked from Dean and DeLuca, but I like my version better. Theirs is more steampunk, mine is more “cooking class 2120.”

10 thoughts on “Test Tube Spice Rack”

  1. I love it! Could you send me the exlpanations for the rack and the dimension of the tubes???
    Thanks!!!! 🙂

    1. Hi Sharon,
      I got mine in a huge case from Indigo Instruments, because I needed over 100, but you can find similar test tubes on They’re 18mm by 150mm, and the #5 cork stoppers were purchased separately.

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