Cooking, Recipes

Goat Cheese and Spinach Quinoa in the rice cooker

We’re in that awkward stretch of time before vacation where you still need to eat but don’t want to buy any more groceries. I didn’t want to order in since we’ll be eating out so much on vacation, so I improvised from what was lying around the fridge. It came out pretty good!

I've heard that food photos look best in natural light. I'll let you know when I start cooking dinner during the day.
I’ve heard that food photos look best in natural light. I’ll let you know when I start cooking dinner during the day.


1 cup dry quinoa
2 cups water
1/2 tsp dried sage
1/2 tsp dried basil
1/2 tsp salt (or to taste)
4oz goat cheese
3 cups fresh spinach
2 tbsp chia seeds


Add quinoa, water, sage, basil, and salt to rice cooker and start. After about 10 minutes when it’s steaming thoroughly, or when the countdown timer says 10 minutes if you’ve got a digital rice cooker, add the goat cheese, spinach, and chia seeds. Let steam in the rice cooker another 10 minutes. Stir and serve.

For the record, my husband thought it was “bland” so you might want to add more seasonings. If anyone tries it let me know!

1 thought on “Goat Cheese and Spinach Quinoa in the rice cooker”

  1. Looks pretty tasty! I love goat cheese, I love spinach and quinoa, so I can’t imagine not digging this dish. I plan on giving it a try; I like the idea of doing it in the rice cooker too! Dead easy…

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