
Kitten Tragedy

Yesterday we took the kittens in for their shots and deworming. The vet said they looked healthy, and while they were irritated by the journey in the cat carrier, they were doing well.

Unfortunately when we got home last night, the dark grey kitten had passed away. We’re not sure exactly why, it could have either been an illness or a reaction to the vaccinations. Chris and I are pretty upset, but we’re glad he at least had a comfortable home for his last few days.

I talked to some of the other foster parents about it, and apparently the kitten mortality rate is kinda high, even for cats coming from breeders. These guys were strays so we don’t really know anything about them or their mothers. It’s one of the pitfalls of fostering.

Rest in peace, tiny grey unnamed kitten.

4 thoughts on “Kitten Tragedy”

  1. Bummer. In your videos, he didn’t look normal, kittens are usually a furry bundle of energy, he was very laid back.

  2. That’s very sad. It is good that you took him in when you did, though. You’re doing a very good thing.

  3. So sad! But as you said at least he had a nice place to live, not only that but love and care in his last days.

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